FarCry - Čeština do Far Cry
Relased: 30.07.2004
Country: CZ
Score: --%
Community: --%
Author: Mrazík About: Čeština do Far Cry od Mrazíka. website of mod |
FarCry - Syphon Filter Mod
Relased: (v přípravě)
Country: CZ
Score: --%
Community: --%
Author: Vikom About: website of mod |
FarCry - Past Attack
Relased: 12.01.2013
Country: CZ
Score: --%
Community: --%
Author: Vikom About: Past Attacks Episode One: White Silla Research Facility invents their new product - White Silla Artifficial Oil. All oil distributing companies bancrots because Artifficial Oil is made from a renewable source, so it is more ecological and economical. Past Attacks Episode Two: Joseph Hoffman came to Russia and law came with him. Forget small corridors of White Silla. Say goodbye to claustrophobia and get ready for agoraphobia. website of mod |
FarCry - Mars mod 3.0 New Wave
Relased: (v přípravě)
Country: CZ
Score: --%
Community: --%
Author: Tuleby About: Zažijte boj o nerostné bohatství na planetě MARS. Engine Far Cry nabízí jedinečné zpracování ve formě modifikace této hry. website of mod |
FarCry - Fear Cry
Relased: 12.08.2010
Country: CZ
Score: 75%
Community: --%
Author: Tuleby About: Vetší modifikace/add-on ke hře Far Cry s vlastním příběhem. Vysoká obtížnost, propracovaný leveldesign, nástrahy, logické hádanky. website of mod |