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1249 příspěvků, strana: [1]
Kamil-anon Mlha | 25.11.2005 21:59:30 |
Mlhu naleznes ve Spiritu jako entitu, pokud mě paměť neklame, env_fog doufám ze nekecám.
Máš nějaký odkazy na ty modely stromů ?
Akyra-anon Mlha | 25.11.2005 13:57:49 |
Jak delate mlhu v Halflife 1? Neni nekdo dobry programator? Dost me stve, ze kdyz pridam napr.
10 stromu(mimochodem na netu se nachazi spousta stromu a jsou opravdu super i animovane), tak
nemaji stin...Vi taky nekdo, jak se meni nebo vytvari rychlost poblikavani svetla...Ten vyber v
Hammeru je hodne stridmy. Diky za odpoved.
kopr Bombovské | 19.11.2005 11:46:55 |
tady to získává grády koukám
Kamil-anon Připravovaný mod | 18.11.2005 19:57:35 |
Čau Petře chci tě upozornit na nový mod na adrese http://www.clasgmod.wz.cz/. Budu rád
když ho přidáš.
Tommzs to prosoft | 13.11.2005 22:06:11 |
MovieMaking znamená úprava nahraných dem???(třeba v CS?)
p2k To Prosoft | 13.11.2005 20:55:25 |
Ano, přivítám tutorialy na MovieMaking.
Tommzs Tommzs | 12.11.2005 14:41:26 |
Nečetl jsem to celé, ale vypadá to dobře...
Jackar-anon Monstra | 12.11.2005 01:38:20 |
Ahoj, nexem robit reklamu ale tutorial na vytvaranie novych montier v HL je na nasej stranke,
konkretne na tomto linku http://www.thelambda.sk/clanok.php?clanok=98 , je to tutorial ako
pridat Otisa, tlsteho ochrankara do hry ako noveho priatela, ale vdaka tomu dokazete pochopit
tvorbu novych monstier na zaklade inych.
ProSoft 4 p2k | 11.11.2005 19:55:30 |
privitas tutory na MovieMaking ???
Tommzs to korzar | 11.11.2005 12:24:56 |
označ všechny objekty(drž při tom ctrl) a pak zmenši jako jednotlivý objekt... jinak
musíš po jednom...
Korzar - SK - som noob p Help | 11.11.2005 07:18:25 |
Prosim jak mam nieco zmensit urobil som mapu a zistil som ze je na cloveka moc velka jak ju mam
zvetsit ???
kopr Monstra | 10.11.2005 22:10:53 |
Pokud vim, nove monstra se daly vkladat i pomoci spiritu. Stacil jiny model... jine zvuky a
bylo to. Ale kam se obratit, jedine jak Akyra pise ten tutorial anglicky.. tak mozna projet
Tommzs to Akyra a Korzar | 09.11.2005 20:17:19 |
složitý... jestli to někdo přeloží ozvěte se(jako, že to napíše přeložený)
to Korzar:
Díval jsem se do map properties a ani tam to nejde...
to Korzar:
Díval jsem se do map properties a ani tam to nejde...
Korzar - SK - som noob p Help | 09.11.2005 16:42:32 |
nevie niekto ako zrusit buy zonu ???
Akyra-anon Nove monstra v Halflife 1 | 09.11.2005 14:09:26 |
Doufam, ze mi autor techto stranek promine. Zde je vypis souboru jak udelat nove monstrum do
Halflife. Pohodicka...problem je jen trochu s inteligenci..chce to trpelivost a taky program
pro kompilaci dsp souboru.
Basic: Adding a new monster with default AI
Adding a new monster to halflife is fairly straightforward, and this tutorial runs through
one example - the Chumtoad. We create a new source code file for the CChumtoad class, and
add some code to pick up the Chumtoads health from the skill.cfg file.
(For those of you who havent come across the infamous Chumtoad, this is a model that
Valve wrote and included in the Half-Life game release. However, it was never added to any
levels, and there is no AI code for it).
CChumtoad Class
There is some basic default AI in the CBaseMonster class, and we can use this easily. Just
inherit CChumtoad from CBaseMonster. So, create a new file called chumtoad.cpp, and add it
to the project. This is a listing of the whole file:
// chumtoad.cpp - friendly one-eyed alien toad
include extdll.h
include util.h
include cbase.h
include monsters.h
include schedule.h
// Monsters Class Definition
class CChumtoad : public CBaseMonster
void Spawn( void )
void Precache( void )
void SetYawSpeed ( void )
int Classify ( void )
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( monster_chumtoad, CChumtoad )
// Classify - indicates this monsters place in the
// relationship table.
int CChumtoad :: Classify ( void )
// SetYawSpeed - allows each sequence to have a different
// turn rate associated with it.
void CChumtoad :: SetYawSpeed ( void )
int ys
ys = 360
pev-yaw_speed = ys
// Spawn
void CChumtoad :: Spawn()
Precache( )
SET_MODEL(ENT(pev), models/chumtoad.mdl)
// The rest of this method was taken from the Headcrab spawn() method
UTIL_SetSize(pev, Vector(-12, -12, 0), Vector(12, 12, 24))
pev-solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX
pev-movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP
m_bloodColor = BLOOD_COLOR_GREEN
pev-effects = 0
pev-health = gSkillData.chumtoadHealth
pev-view_ofs = Vector ( 0, 0, 20 )// position of the eyes relative to
monsters origin.
pev-yaw_speed = 5//!!! should we put this in the monsters changeanim function
since turn rates may vary with state/anim?
m_flFieldOfView = 0.5// indicates the width of this monsters forward view cone
( as a dotproduct result )
// Precache - precaches all resources this monster needs
void CChumtoad :: Precache()
As you can see, there is very little code needed here. It just uses the basic monster code,
which is defined in CBaseMonster.
Skill levels and Monster Health
The health level for the monsters are generally read from the skill.cfg file. This allows
you to tweak health settings for different difficulty levels without having to recompile
the DLLs.
To add the Chumtoad to the skill.cfg, and read the value: add the following lines to
game.cpp (put the top group of cvar_t declarations in with all the similar entries, and the
second group in the GameDLLInit() function in with all the other CVAR_REGISTER macros):
// SGC Chumtoad - Add with all the other similar lines
cvar_t sk_chumtoad_health1 = sk_chumtoad_health1,0
cvar_t sk_chumtoad_health2 = sk_chumtoad_health2,0
cvar_t sk_chumtoad_health3 = sk_chumtoad_health3,0
// SGC Chumtoad - add to GameDLLInit() function
CVAR_REGISTER ( sk_chumtoad_health1 )// sk_chumtoad_health1,0
CVAR_REGISTER ( sk_chumtoad_health2 )// sk_chumtoad_health2,0
CVAR_REGISTER ( sk_chumtoad_health3 )// sk_chumtoad_health3,0
Add the following code to gamerules.cpp in CGameRules::RefreshSkillData()
// SGC Chumtoad
gSkillData.chumtoadHealth = GetSkillCvar( sk_chumtoad_health)
Add the following code to skill.h in the skilldata_t structure (along with all the others)
float chumtoadHealth // SGC add skill variable for the Chumtoad health
Then add the following lines to Skill.cfg (this is a text file in the valve directory).
// Chumtoad
sk_chumtoad_health1 600
This should create us an almost indestructible megatoad (for testing purposes). Compile the
HL.DLL project, and copy the dll into your Valve (or mods) dll directory. Were now ready
to make our first level...
Creating your first Chumtoad Map
Edit the halflife (or mod) .fgd file, and add the following definition for the Chumtoad:
@PointClass base(Monster, RenderFields) size(-16 -16 -36, 16 16 36) = monster_chumtoad :
Chumtoad []
This is a simple definition of a Monster, with the Renderfields property set.
Run Worldcraft, and create a new map. You should make a decent sized box room, and add lots
of walls (to act as cover). Insert a new monster_chumtoad entity in the level. Cover the
whole floor area with info_node entities, so that any monsters can navigate around the
level, run away, find cover etc. Your finished level should look something like this:
Note: The number and position of info_nodes (shown in yellow), and the number of walls
inside the box room (so that the chumtoad can take cover if its being attacked). Ammo is
shown in blue, and the Chumtoad itself is light blue.
Run the level
Compile and run the level. After the info_node information has been update, you should be
able to run round your level and find the chumtoad. If you havent got any weapons in the
level, type impulse 101 from the console prompt to tool up.
Now, empty the mp5 into the chumtoad, and if youve set up enough cover and info_node
entities, the chumtoad will hop away by running the TakeCoverFromEnemy schedule.
You can find out more about the Chumtoads current AI status, by pointing at it, and running
impulse 103 from the console. This will print out its name, entity type, state, current
schedule, and current task (see the Understanding Monster AI tutorial for more info).
What Next ?
Well, the chumtoad doesnt really do a great deal. If you follow it around, and harass it
with impulse 103, youll see that it basically just runs the IdleStand, AlertStand or
TakeCoverFromOrigin schedules. The next step is to implement new schedules that make the
Chumtoad act in a more realistic way. This is covered in the next tutorial.
Basic: Adding a new monster with default AI
Adding a new monster to halflife is fairly straightforward, and this tutorial runs through
one example - the Chumtoad. We create a new source code file for the CChumtoad class, and
add some code to pick up the Chumtoads health from the skill.cfg file.
(For those of you who havent come across the infamous Chumtoad, this is a model that
Valve wrote and included in the Half-Life game release. However, it was never added to any
levels, and there is no AI code for it).
CChumtoad Class
There is some basic default AI in the CBaseMonster class, and we can use this easily. Just
inherit CChumtoad from CBaseMonster. So, create a new file called chumtoad.cpp, and add it
to the project. This is a listing of the whole file:
// chumtoad.cpp - friendly one-eyed alien toad
include extdll.h
include util.h
include cbase.h
include monsters.h
include schedule.h
// Monsters Class Definition
class CChumtoad : public CBaseMonster
void Spawn( void )
void Precache( void )
void SetYawSpeed ( void )
int Classify ( void )
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( monster_chumtoad, CChumtoad )
// Classify - indicates this monsters place in the
// relationship table.
int CChumtoad :: Classify ( void )
// SetYawSpeed - allows each sequence to have a different
// turn rate associated with it.
void CChumtoad :: SetYawSpeed ( void )
int ys
ys = 360
pev-yaw_speed = ys
// Spawn
void CChumtoad :: Spawn()
Precache( )
SET_MODEL(ENT(pev), models/chumtoad.mdl)
// The rest of this method was taken from the Headcrab spawn() method
UTIL_SetSize(pev, Vector(-12, -12, 0), Vector(12, 12, 24))
pev-solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX
pev-movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP
m_bloodColor = BLOOD_COLOR_GREEN
pev-effects = 0
pev-health = gSkillData.chumtoadHealth
pev-view_ofs = Vector ( 0, 0, 20 )// position of the eyes relative to
monsters origin.
pev-yaw_speed = 5//!!! should we put this in the monsters changeanim function
since turn rates may vary with state/anim?
m_flFieldOfView = 0.5// indicates the width of this monsters forward view cone
( as a dotproduct result )
// Precache - precaches all resources this monster needs
void CChumtoad :: Precache()
As you can see, there is very little code needed here. It just uses the basic monster code,
which is defined in CBaseMonster.
Skill levels and Monster Health
The health level for the monsters are generally read from the skill.cfg file. This allows
you to tweak health settings for different difficulty levels without having to recompile
the DLLs.
To add the Chumtoad to the skill.cfg, and read the value: add the following lines to
game.cpp (put the top group of cvar_t declarations in with all the similar entries, and the
second group in the GameDLLInit() function in with all the other CVAR_REGISTER macros):
// SGC Chumtoad - Add with all the other similar lines
cvar_t sk_chumtoad_health1 = sk_chumtoad_health1,0
cvar_t sk_chumtoad_health2 = sk_chumtoad_health2,0
cvar_t sk_chumtoad_health3 = sk_chumtoad_health3,0
// SGC Chumtoad - add to GameDLLInit() function
CVAR_REGISTER ( sk_chumtoad_health1 )// sk_chumtoad_health1,0
CVAR_REGISTER ( sk_chumtoad_health2 )// sk_chumtoad_health2,0
CVAR_REGISTER ( sk_chumtoad_health3 )// sk_chumtoad_health3,0
Add the following code to gamerules.cpp in CGameRules::RefreshSkillData()
// SGC Chumtoad
gSkillData.chumtoadHealth = GetSkillCvar( sk_chumtoad_health)
Add the following code to skill.h in the skilldata_t structure (along with all the others)
float chumtoadHealth // SGC add skill variable for the Chumtoad health
Then add the following lines to Skill.cfg (this is a text file in the valve directory).
// Chumtoad
sk_chumtoad_health1 600
This should create us an almost indestructible megatoad (for testing purposes). Compile the
HL.DLL project, and copy the dll into your Valve (or mods) dll directory. Were now ready
to make our first level...
Creating your first Chumtoad Map
Edit the halflife (or mod) .fgd file, and add the following definition for the Chumtoad:
@PointClass base(Monster, RenderFields) size(-16 -16 -36, 16 16 36) = monster_chumtoad :
Chumtoad []
This is a simple definition of a Monster, with the Renderfields property set.
Run Worldcraft, and create a new map. You should make a decent sized box room, and add lots
of walls (to act as cover). Insert a new monster_chumtoad entity in the level. Cover the
whole floor area with info_node entities, so that any monsters can navigate around the
level, run away, find cover etc. Your finished level should look something like this:
Note: The number and position of info_nodes (shown in yellow), and the number of walls
inside the box room (so that the chumtoad can take cover if its being attacked). Ammo is
shown in blue, and the Chumtoad itself is light blue.
Run the level
Compile and run the level. After the info_node information has been update, you should be
able to run round your level and find the chumtoad. If you havent got any weapons in the
level, type impulse 101 from the console prompt to tool up.
Now, empty the mp5 into the chumtoad, and if youve set up enough cover and info_node
entities, the chumtoad will hop away by running the TakeCoverFromEnemy schedule.
You can find out more about the Chumtoads current AI status, by pointing at it, and running
impulse 103 from the console. This will print out its name, entity type, state, current
schedule, and current task (see the Understanding Monster AI tutorial for more info).
What Next ?
Well, the chumtoad doesnt really do a great deal. If you follow it around, and harass it
with impulse 103, youll see that it basically just runs the IdleStand, AlertStand or
TakeCoverFromOrigin schedules. The next step is to implement new schedules that make the
Chumtoad act in a more realistic way. This is covered in the next tutorial.
Tommzs to morpheus | 08.11.2005 18:25:32 |
V tom se neviznám...
Akyra-anon Nova Monstra | 08.11.2005 10:02:33 |
1.Pridat novou priseru neni lehke. Sam mam doma na to navod. A nejen ze musis editovat FGD
soubor...ale i samotne SDK. I kdyz sam jsem to zvladnul...takze to neni az tak super narocne.
Jen inteligenci si nekdy musis sam doprogramovat(podle inteligence ostatnich entit). Zajimave
je, ze v tom hraje dost velkou roli i samotne QC prisery.
2. Nebo vymenis za nejakou stavajici. Ale take to neni zadna sranda...musi mit stejne animacni jmena.
2. Nebo vymenis za nejakou stavajici. Ale take to neni zadna sranda...musi mit stejne animacni jmena.
Morpheus-anon Pomoc | 08.11.2005 09:46:10 |
Jak mam udělat v entity editoru nějakou příšeru je to všechno anglicky aby se v tom čert
Morpheus-anon halooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | 08.11.2005 09:44:46 |
Halooo je tu někodooooooooooooooooooooo?????
Morpheus-anon Pomoc | 08.11.2005 09:43:44 |
Jak mam udělat v entity editoru do half-life
nějakou novou příšeru nebo monstrum?
nějakou novou příšeru nebo monstrum?
mORPHEUS-anon PORADIT S | 08.11.2005 09:42:18 |
Jak mam udělat v entity editoru nějakou příšeru nebo monstrum do half-lifE?
Ve worldcraftu umim dělat ale chtěl byh svou mapu oživit nějakou novou příšerou ty staré už mě nebaví
Ve worldcraftu umim dělat ale chtěl byh svou mapu oživit nějakou novou příšerou ty staré už mě nebaví
Tommzs to korzar | 06.11.2005 20:48:59 |
nespustim jí dokud mi nepošleš ten .bsp soubor, na mailu máš mé ICQ, nebo na
Korzar - SK - som noob p diky | 06.11.2005 16:33:14 |
uz mi to de neco sem tam vymazal (amx a metamod) a co rikas na mou mapu ??? :D
Tommzs dedicated | 06.11.2005 14:31:57 |
skoušel jsi to víckrát? Máš asi 2 možnosti:
1. napiš lidem z Valve, ale možnost, že ti odpoví je 0,001.
2. popros někoho, aby ti to na svim steamu backupnul a dal na net, nebo na CD atd, a pak si to rozbal do steamu...(po backupnutí to vytvoří normálnín install soubor)
1. napiš lidem z Valve, ale možnost, že ti odpoví je 0,001.
2. popros někoho, aby ti to na svim steamu backupnul a dal na net, nebo na CD atd, a pak si to rozbal do steamu...(po backupnutí to vytvoří normálnín install soubor)
Korzar - SK - som noob p Dedicated POJENY Server ale nie source | 06.11.2005 12:28:47 |
ked som sa omylom banedol zo serveru a neslo to vratit tak som ho chcel odinstalovat ale ked
som dal delete local game contents tak mi to seklo cely steam PROSIM pomoc (mal som tam aj AMX
a metamod)
Tommzs to korzar | 05.11.2005 19:40:30 |
hele, podívej se nejdřív pořádně do tutů na tuhle stránku:
Korzar - SK - som noob p to Tommzs | 05.11.2005 17:44:40 |
nevies mi poradit jak na otvaracie dvere (rotujuce okolo osi) ? na tej stranke to nieje... a
mimochodom ten prispevok som poslal len raz! :P
Korzar - SK - som noob p diky | 05.11.2005 17:43:00 |
uz som ti to poslal a dik za pomoc. Tu mapu proste ulozim tam kam si mi povedal a pojde to dik
(dufam) :)
Korzar - SK - som noob p diky | 05.11.2005 17:39:48 |
uz som ti to poslal a dik za pomoc. Tu mapu proste ulozim tam kam si mi povedal a pojde to dik
(dufam) :)
Tommzs to korzar | 05.11.2005 15:26:44 |
Pošli mi tu mapku na tomntomn@seznam.cz, prosim...